
'Tis the season...


Christmas can be a very difficult time for those either approaching or currently going through divorce proceedings, particularly when there are children involved.

The accepted wisdom is that family lawyers are particularly busy after Christmas because people take the opportunity on January 1st to reassess their lives and relationships. While this is true, we tend actually to be more busy in December as people want to discuss their options in the run-up to the holiday season, so as to get their house in order before the in-laws invade. 

A particular challenge in dealing with relationship problems at Christmas is minimising the impact on the broader family, not least the children - who are at the heart of many yuletide traditions. Sali Hughes' article is an example of the perfect attitude to have towards co-parenting during the holidays, namely keeping the main focus on the children and their welfare. As she rightly says, this holiday is far more important to the children than it is to the adults, and working cooperatively with your ex to make sure that the children are able to enjoy the day (and even get two Christmasses out of the deal!) should be the ultimate goal.

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To keep them away from the anger and bitterness is a huge act of love, you’ll be proud of yourself for having done it, and I absolutely guarantee that your children will one day feel extremely grateful.
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